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Home » 2025Aggi-Btest-Survey


Thank you for your willingness to provide feedback for our new on-boarding AI ChatBot…Aggi! If you have not gone through the exercise of meeting and interacting with Aggi yet, please head to

and give it a try!

Once completed, come back and share your user experience with us!

Thank you, John D.

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Overall, how would you rate your experience with us?
How would you rate the following User Experiences?
Very DisappointedNeeds ImprovementSo SoImpressedVery Impressed
Initial Impression
Very Disappointed
Needs Improvement
So So
Very Impressed
Ease of Use
Very Disappointed
Needs Improvement
So So
Very Impressed
Aggi's Voice Quality
Very Disappointed
Needs Improvement
So So
Very Impressed
The "Rhythm" of the Question & Answer (Did Aggi interrupt or move ahead without you?)
Very Disappointed
Needs Improvement
So So
Very Impressed
Your Willingness to Engage w/ an AI
Very Disappointed
Needs Improvement
So So
Very Impressed

Thank you!

Your feedback will go a long way towards helping us refine Aggi and move into a productive future!  –John D.