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Mod01b Sectional Quiz 02

These are three great sectional questions to prepare you for your exam. If you are able to approach the third question in a valid manner, then you would have cracked the code of the FAA’s toughest sectional question.


What you should get from this exercise:

  1. Greater familiarity with navigating the FAA remote pilot supplement that has all the test question figures and sectional charts.
  2. An opportunity to review your own decision processing of these sectional-based questions. Keep a side notebook and take some notes on how you are approaching the question. Compare it against the Video Review found above!

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Review 42 FAA Part 107 questions (no sectionals…sorry 🙂 from my recurrent test last weekend.

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The Pilot Mind-Mod 01 Assessment 01Step 1 of 2
1. (Referring to FAA Supplemental Figure 25, Area 4) The floor of Class B airspace overlying Hicks Airport (T67) north-northwest of Fort Worth Meacham Field is:
2. (Referring to FAA Supplemental Figure 26, Area 5) The airspace overlying and within 5 miles of Barnes County Airport is:
3. (Referring to FAA Supplemental Figure 71, Area 7) The floor of the Class E airspace above Georgetown Airport (E36) is at:
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