Though there is a wealth/abundance of information on time management, our guiding principle is that each one of us has a finite life to live. This naturally leads to the conclusion that, in an interesting and infinite milieu of possibilities, we can gain greater freedom only by appreciating that there are an infinite number of things we WANT to do that we will NEVER be able to do!
Harsh? Maybe! But that is the reality we face…admittedly or not.
And yet, this admission should be celebrated, rather than mourned. In fact, it is specifically in “deciding” what to do with that freedom that the paralysis of choice is remedied. The term, an “obedience to now” is one we embrace, so as to accomplish, enrich, and guide our everyday. It is our sincere wish that you are able to transform your life into a better balance of what you HAVE to do combined with what you WANT to do.
So it is with this humble, but liberating, spirit, we offer the following Time Management Resources (a short/growing list, but these suggestions are all you need to get started!)
(NOTE: If you’d like to discuss this topic some more or feel it is worthy of a public speaking engagement, then let’s schedule a brief meeting!)
Time Management Resources:
4000 Weeks: Time Management for Mortals (This book changed my entire perspective! Transformational!)
The Ultimate Sales Machine (Provides a great time management overview that I still use today.)
The Waking Up App (Meditation and Meaningful Workshops. The Oliver Burkeman series is important. Worth every penny.)
Beware of a Culture of Busyness (Feb. 2023-Harvard Business Review. Some great insights into working and getting things done!)
If You’re Serious About Changing Your Life, Stop Doing These 20 Things (15 Feb 2023–Love the blunt reality offered up here!)
How to Get Stuff Done: The Eisenhower Matrix (a.k.a. The Urgent vs. The Important) (January 5, 2023 from Fortune)
Evernote (A Great List Keeper App)
The Ambient Music Channel on Pandora (or any music streaming platform; this type of music helps w/ focus!)
The Time Management “Bonus Slide” (somewhat silly/somewhat profound. Enjoy!)